As a busy mom of three, I don't usually have time to flip through magazines to stay current with the latest fashion do's and don'ts....However, thanks to, I've discovered a new website that will allow me to walk out of the house for a playdate without looking like I stepped out of the '90's:
    My personalized style profile helps me create new looks, gives me assurance that some of my current looks are still in style, and introduces me to new products that I otherwise might not have heard of.
   If it's inspiration I'm looking for, there's current articles, tips, and trends. I recommend checking out "How to Avoid Mom Hair" by Helen Jane Hearn.  This is an occupational hazard that affects a majority of women in the U.S., but thanks to Helen's tips, it doesn't have to affect you.
    Style United definitely as what it takes to keep the modern mom modern.  And it's not just for moms-it's for women of all ages!!!  After filling out my 360 Profile, they recommend products for me based on my interests and needs-and the best part is, this busy mom of three can order them straight from the StyleUnited site!!!! This is super-exciting for me, because our small-town Walmart doesn't carry a large variety of products, and we don't have any stores like CVS or Walgreens.
    So come, join me, and be a part of my Inner Circle ( where you can comment on my style and offer me advice and tips!!!
