
     I spent an amazing weekend with fellow volunteers from pregnancy resource centers located all over Colorado.  Two days and nights of fellowship, encouragement, and worshipping God left us feeling refreshed and ready to minister to the women, children, and families of our towns for another year.
     The keynote speaker was the wonderful man who followed God's leading to create Project 127, which is meant to eradicate the number of orphans in Colorado (and eventually the U.S.).  His message for the weekend was "Mercy".  Mercy is what we get when we don't deserve it.  We all need it.  God loves to give mercy, but as His children, we are probably not seeking it as often as the Psalmists and other people of the Bible did.  Jesus gave mercy continually in His earthly ministry, and as "little Christs" or followers of Him, shouldn't that be something we should strive to be proficient at?
     What would this "mercy" look like to you?  Is it forgiving that friend who left you for another?  Or bringing coffee to the coworker who seems to seethe at the mere mention of your name?  For me, this mercy looks like forgiveness.  Forgiveness of the wrong that I feel was done to me by people.  People don't always know when they've harmed you, so holding a grudge does you more harm.  Others will be able to see the light of Christ in us when they see the mercy He has given us to give to them. 
     Mercy...Its not just for me...
