BlondieChell's Original Small Group Game Idea

     Remember's last week's post about my special talent?? Well, the following Monday, I felt like God was telling me to bring toilet paper in addition to a snack to the small group. Looks like I was just meant to be that "one weird girl".
       So I did. And I was reluctant, for obvious reasons. Thanks, God. 
       I showed up (ON TIME!!!) with my toilet paper and snack. Needless to say, the Honey Buns were well received. The bathroom tissue on the other hand?? Accepted with as much gratefulness as I had expected...with questions. Yep. That's me now. The girl who brings TP to Bible Study. 
      I dodged questions by answering with "I...can't tell you". But by the end of our time together, I found the boldness to share my story with the wife of the small group leader and another attendee.
      I explained to them how I was pondering the small group, and what to bring for snack. More specifically, I thought to myself "What would happen if I was hosting a small group? What would I want people to bring??" Top of my list was toilet paper. Because these people use your toilet, their kids dump your rolls in and...well, I think it just makes sense.  After these dwelling on these thoughts, I couldn't decipher if they were from God or just my own random ramblings. 
      Since I've learned to "go with God" (aka: trust the Holy Spirit), I brought the toilet paper. Well, the ladies enjoyed the story enough for me to suggest a new game idea, called "Who can bring the weirdest thing to small group?" (Patent pending)
     So game on!!!! What am I bringing this week?? I'll tell you later....Meanwhile, give me your suggestions for the next few weeks below! The only rule we have (so far!) is that it *has* to have been in your house for at least 30 days-that means no buying something brand new....hhhhhmmmmm.....
