Montagne Jeunesse Clay Spas Mask Review

              Today I'm reviewi Montagne Jeunesse Clay Spa's fabric mask. Really. It's not just a muddy ess on your face-it's a fabric-y paper-towelish face-shaped piece that has the mask stuff in/on it, so it's less of a mess! I was seriously amazed at how it turned out.
               So my first impressions of it were: "Oh, crud. Another one of these thingies. I hope it's not as messy as the last one. I really dislike the 45 minutes it takes to wash the stuff off". So I waited until I had the extra time to "deal with the mess" before trying it.
               Well, I opened up the package and squeezed it out...but just a tiny bit of liquid came out. Puzzled, I felt the package (which still had a squishy center) and then ripped open the hole wider to pull the obviously clumped together clay out. And then I pulled out the actual mask. Yes. There was an ACTUAL mask! Look at my photos:
                                       See?? French instructions:

                    And here's the mask!

          So I put it on....

        And then I scared the crap outta myself....

                   Taking my face ::cough:: mask off.

             See? Very little residue left on my face!

  After rinsing off, my face was squeaky clean!

                I mean sure, the mask could use some reshaping, but schematics aside, this was the best mud facial I've ever had! (Okay, so the fact that there were no legible English directions {only pictures} was a bit...different....but I managed to figure it out!) I LOVE this mask and would definitely purchase this product! (Assuming I can find it in Alaska, that is!)
                 ~Disclaimer: All thoughts, opinions and experience is my own. I received this product complimentary from Influenster for the purpose of testing it!
