Letting Loose

    I had a conversation (it may have been mostly one-sided) with some women at my church yesterday morning. We started discussing the complexities of being on the stage in the choir, yet the pastor encourages (read: *ENCOURAGES*) us to "let loose" during worship. Which may mean dancing....to certain extremes. Which means moving....and...well....
   This topic eventually led us on the path of women "letting loose" and...well...as people get moving, we pondered women's shoes flying off....like... potentially into the congregation (or whacking the music minister in the head while he's playing keyboard). Obviously these scenarios can be hazardous to everyone's health.
    So I created a solution for this potential hazard: hot glue-gun on stage to glue women's hosiery to their shoes...you know, so their shoes won't fly off, but they will be at liberty to move however the Spirit leads. As in.... "Sister Sally, are you glued in today???", "I'm sorry, but I can't allow you on stage until you've been glued.",  "Let's get our glue on!!!", "Oops. I forgot to glue!"
    If you have a problem, BlondieChell has a solution!!! Moral of the story: don't "let loose" until you've been glued in!!!
