BlondieChell & Flu Shots

     I've never been a believer in flu shots-I mean sure, I know they exist, but I never had one and yet I still rarely caught the flu. I was blessed with a fab immune system, so the kiddos & I are rarely sick (except the 6yo. She has this thing where she gets sick right before major holidays/events. Last year she missed out on Valentines Day & Halloween....)
      However, my current occupation requires me to get the flu shot. Ewwwww....and last year was my first time getting it. And a few days later, I had flu-like symptoms. Yuck!!!
     This year?? I just had my shot on Wednesday and Sunday a.m. I woke up with the headache you get when you have the flu, plus I felt yuck. Apparently I only get portions of the flu after having the shot, but it still put me out of commission. I was relegated to the couch all day while Hubs took some of the kiddos to church, then he had to work.
     Thankfully the older two are capable of making PBJ's and keeping the rag on my forehead freezing cold & wet (okay, besides me, only A can get my forehead rag to the temperature I like it. Even the Hubs fails in comparison).
     So I am accepting my fate of contracting the flu once a year as long as my job requires me to. The only other family member subjected to this same fate is the 3yo whom I take with me to work. So far, he has no symptoms and I don't believe he did last year, either.
     I woke up today (Monday) feeling 99.9% better. I still have remnants of the headache which I am hoping disappears after a few rounds of coffee, but I am off to work! Wish me luck ;)
