"Possessing The Land" Part 1

 *Disclaimer: This story is filled with drama, hope and tears. As you know, I try to draw humor from my stories, so let's see what we can do with this...

       Really this tale started over a year ago...when God mysteriously called us and our friends to move to one of the most random places on earth: Alaska. None of us has a reason, just a direction. An order. So we obeyed (because, in our experience, God had never left us-He called us all out to Colorado and He hasn't given us a reason to doubt him since). And because of our obedience, we ended up living with our friends (read as "Eleven people, one bathroom") for a year. No one died. And we're still friends.
      A few months ago, our friends bought a house. Yay! We started the process of buying and somehow ended up gaining "early occupany" (where homeowners let you move in prior to closing and you pay them rent). This was going well. Paperwork was going well. The mortgager assured us that we were 95% in the clear. 95%.
      Turns out that five percent was actually higher than we thought. The company who the loan was through took a few weeks to decide that they didn't like the fact that the house shared a septic tank with a neighbor. Bad juju and all that. Hoo. Ray. Um.....so we were 1. devastated and 2. stuck with "where do we go from here?".
       We were heartbroken. Shattered. See, we didn't choose this house. It was more like the house chose us...or God chose the house for us...We knew from the beginning that it was too good to be true-it was one of our favorite layouts. A house we've wanted, with just about everything we were looking for....a wood stove...oval tub...garage....fenced in yard...raspberry bushes....space for the kiddos...space for us...
       So we held our breath while renting...knowing that things could change in an instant... and we'd pack up and go...well....we weren't sure where...but we were sure that this house was too fantastic. It was a dream for us...and the dream finally ended. Apparently we had misread God's path for us. Somewhere along the way we lost it....
       So we mentally prepared for a weekend of packing...and then there was a thread of hope...


  1. Hang in there---God has an even better plan for you and your family!


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