Looking to Remodel?? You're in luck! I just painted our bedroom this weekend and have I got some tips for you! Here is BlondieChell's How To for painting a room:
1. Pick your paint (if you're lucky you'll get free cans with your house! And if you take them to a store that sells the brand they can add tint for you!)
2. Clean your walls...cuz who knows the last time they were cleaned??
3. Drop cloth & blue tape everything. Me? I recommend this fantastic product called "Tape and Drape"- you tape it on and the gently pull at the think plastic-!viola! It's a magical drop cloth!
4. Get a sworn confession from your significant other that they will not hold anything against you or be mad if something goes wrong while they're away at work an you're left to paint...
5. Grab your long, extendable pole (also free with the house), paint roller & start painting!
6. Coffee. Constantly refuel.
7. Step in paint.
8. When you've finished, paint the trim and edges that you missed with the roller
9. Take a 2-3 hour break to refuel and regroup with food & tv shows.
10. Re paint the entire room.
11. Step in even more paint.
12. Forget that the handle on your paint roller is super long and launch your coffee mug across the room. Remember that this is why you've drop clothed everything.
13. Rest your back on the freshly painted wall.
14. Finish retrimming.
15. Clean up your coffee and paint mess. Hope for the best.
Typically hilarious!!