5 Things You May Not Know About Running At 5:30am

 Today I'm sharing 5 Things You May Not Know About Running At 5:30am but I do...because I run that early...

1. Sprinklers. Sprinklers turn on this early...and if you haven't heard one before, it might scare the crap out of you when it first turn on-there's this faint clicking sound...then a hissing as it pops up out of the ground and starts viciously assaulting the sleeping grass.

2. You are not alone. Even if you think you are. There always seems to be someone else (at least in the summer time) with the same crazy exercise commitments/notions.

3. Not everyone knows trail etiquette: If you're passing someone, politely let them know you are there! Stay to the right on trails so people can pass  you by on the left...ect...

4. Moose. I haven't seen any at this time yet...but I know they're there...lurking....

5. Gorgeous. Photo ops. Most of the time.

     Have a great week!!!
