The Day I Forgot How To Communion:
That’s right.
One day we went to church, and I completely (well, not completely) forgot how
to communion. I know, it’s awful & shameful… but it’s true.
Another truth
is, we’ve been to so many churches & participated in so many different
communions (yes, you heard that right. Different communions. Not all communions
are created equal) that I somehow completely forgot the order of when to eat
the bread & drink the juice one morning. See, we had been attending this
one church for a few weeks by now and they do communion the same way every
week, so I should have remembered it. Oops.
Mid-way through
the communion this particular Sunday, I looked up and saw the juice being
passed, only to realize everyone else had eaten their bread, and here I was,
bread still in hand, trying to shushed yell at my daughter for picking the dry
skin on her hand because last week during church, she was picking skin around
her cuticles and it bled…and was a disaster of Kindergarten proportions. After figuring out a good time to consume my
bread & chug my juice (and ample time after my shushed yelling,,, because
sometimes you just feel like people
think you’re horrible for using a harsh whisper at your kid) I leaned
over to place the empty cup thingie under the chair in front of me (you
know-where there’s a nice little, perfect circle carved out for the communion
cup thingies), and I missed the hole, chucking the cup onto the floor and under
the chair that I could barely reach. So much for subtlety.
Grace is not
my middle name. And that’s okay because God needed someone to share these
stories with you so that you could laugh. I may not be perfect, but I like to
think I’m perfectly relatable!
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