International Delight Creamer #Coupon #Giveaway

    Love some creamer in your coffee?? I sure do! On of my fav brads is International Delight-they are readily available at Walmart and their flavor combinations are delish!
      They have two new flavors for fall- Vanilla Heat & Pumpkin PIE Spice. I LOVE Pumpkin anything, and I can wolf down a whole pumpkin pie by myself in seconds. That being said, I was super-excited to find it in sugar free. SUGAR FREE!!! Yum to the "o". The Vanilla Heat is suprisingly refreshing blend of vanilla and....a pepper...or something. It does wonders for your sinuses in the a.m!

   Thanks to BzzAgent, I will be giving away 3 (count them: THREE) $1 off coupons. That means 3 winners will receive (in the mail. from me.) 1 $1 off International Delight Creamer coupon. 3 winners. Here's the Rafflecopter. I do my best to validify winning entries! Thanks for entering!!!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Found you on Twitter. Always room for tasty coffee with frue frue cream.

    1. Oops, forgot my fav flavor - right now it's the Peppermint Mocha. For everyday it is Hazelnut.

  2. I don't drink coffee but this is the hubs fave... he looked the cinnabon

  3. Pumpkin Spice!! Yum! Or Hazelnut.

  4. My first time looking at your blog. . . I love it, and I love you!

  5. That's hard, I have the pumpkin spice in my fridge right now. I also like vanilla caramel


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