I'm Coming Out....

     ...Of the Foodie Closet!!!!
      So apparently, I'm a closet foodie. I know! Here I am trying to get rid of my fat cells, and my brain and tongue are begging me to indulge.....usually in sugar or carb loaded foods. Now, I used to consider my appetite "normal" with the "usual" sugar cravings/indulgences, but I recently posted three different pics on Instagram of food within a week. Oops.
     See, I rarely post food pics, as I don't consider myself a foodie, but I also enjoy food pics that others post. And...then I found myself diving into a whole bunch of sugary treats that week and posted photos....Of yumminess....Of sugary, gooey, taste-bud satisfying goodness.... Sure, it's not great for my diet goals, but I can only deprive myself so much. Then I indulge once in a while (or twice in a while...or thrice in a while...) and I'm good for another "while". Here are a few shots I posted to Instagram:

This is a slice of pumpkin pie with Dunc Hine's white glaze with a side of Blue Bunny's peppermint icecream topped with whipped cream & sprinkles...YUM!!!

This decadent treat was high-altitude snickerdoodles (flat) with layers of Duncan Hines' new icing creations where you add your own flavors (mine was pumpkin spice-something-or-other) and, of course, CANDY CORN!!!! 
    My sweet tooth seems to enjoy candy corn, cookies, all kinds of chocolate, and ice cream. If it's in the house, it's gone, lol. In order to keep my "diet" on track, I typically purchase chocolate "diet" snacks so I don't go off the deep-end as much as my sweet tooths would like me to. Now, not all chocolate diet snack are created equal, no matter what the box depicts. Hubby has helped me "test" a few that seemed to be great alternatives for his chocolate addiction, but the thing about replacements is, it's gotta at least taste like chocolate...and those few didn't ;( (Right now I enjoy chocolate covered soy nuts mixed into flavored 90 calorie yogurt!) Are you too a sugar-holic? Do you find yourself creating super-sweet creations and inhaling the entire thing without thinking twice? Let me know I'm not alone! Follow me on Instagram where you are sure to see more foodie pics, especially since the Holidays are almost here!!!

*Nutrition Disclaimer: To balance out all the extra calories and burn fat (while I agree that super-slim is not an ideal goal for me, I do need to shed some left-over pregnancy poundage) I run 3xs a week and do Pilates 2xs. Once I finish school (and semester breaks) I plan to increase my cardio.
