*Black Friday 2012*

         Of course I am one of those crazy people who make it to the Black Friday madness sales!!! I'm BlondieChell, lol! I love finding bargains, scoring great deals & raiding clearance racks!!! If I see a red sticker in Wal*Mart, I check the price. I didn't realize how well I had honed this skill until I was walking an aisle with an employee who is a friend and she pointed this out after I reached up in between some rabbit bedding and pet food to grab a random Clorox Wipes container. Red sticker clearance!!! I like to know where the clearance racks at all my fav stores are located. I clip coupons, earn Swagbucks and split shipping costs w/the bestie, all in the name of saving $$$ and scoring an awesome deal.
          Last Thursday night (you know, Hubby's BDay, Turkey Day, ect) we (me, Hubby & friend's hubby) left the house at seven to brave the not-too-crowded-small-town-Wal*Mart. I was soooooo "in the zone" that I started calling hubby "Team Leader Yellow" and our friend "Team Leader Red". We took two separate vehicles, traveled the three minutes or so to Wal*Mart,  I parked and RAN across the parking lot to the store. I swiped a cart and zigzagged between fellow shoppers perusing the DVDs. The men had their lists, I had mine. The only thing missing from our daring mission was walkie-talkies. After walking around a few sections at a fast clip (when there wasn't a traffic jam) I joined the guys by the pillows, assured that they had gathered their loot. We split again, later I met with Hubsters, compiled all of our items, then stood and waited in line for 8 p.m. so the sale prices would ring up. Afterwards, I helped the guys hand out hot chocolate to Wal*Mart patrons for a few hours, then ended up at home where I proceeded to put away our fall decorations and hauled out our Christmas ones. I am *that* girl. Stay tuned for "Things I Learned While Handing Out Hot Chocolate At Walmart"!!!!
