Another Chance to Win a BlondieChell Mask!!!

       I've signed up to be a sponsor in Treasured Forever {Photography. Props. & More} s *Hugenormical* 5000 Fan Giveaway!!! Yup, that means *another* chance to win you very own BlondieChell mask!!! (You too can have adventures like BlondieChell!!!!)  First you must go here: (click me) and comment "agreed", then just click on over here  (The Rafflecopter Link) and enter the rafflecopter!!!! Her giveaway is over when she reaches 50000 fans, so let's show her page some love!!!

      Want another chance to win a BlondieChell mask?? When my FB fan page ( La Vida de Blondie Chell ) hits the 500 fans mark, I'll be hosting another mask giveaway here!!!
