...More Stuff That Just Happens....

   I am pretty sure that the reason God allows stuff to happen to me is so that i can have something to blog about.  Today our apartment almost burned down....with us in it....
   It started out like any other Monday-Josiah off to school, JR off to work, me home with the rest of the kids...when the doorbell rang.  This is not unusual.  Most people ring the doorbell when they come to visit.  However, our doorbell is "special".... 
    For as long as I can remember, the outside apparatus had appeared to be broken, but it still worked....until one day when one of our friends kept ringing it...then this awful buzzing started that no one believed me about (see post entitled "I Am NOT Crazy...Ok, So Maybe I Am...But This Morning I Was Not... "). 
    After that mishap, the apartment complex maintenance guy came and replaced the inside box that makes the magical "ding" sound when someone pushes the button outside.  No more buzzing.  Until today.  For some unexplained reason, I thought that the noise would go away (new box. hello.).  It didn't.  It actually got worse in a short amount of time.  This did not panic me.  The noise was slightly annoying, but I texted the hubby and let him know he needed to call the maintenance man to come fix it (preferably before nap time).
    JR then called me and told me to go outside and yank the doorbell button out of the wall.  I did.  Well, I didn't yank it out entirely, I just pulled until the cord wouldn't give anymore...then I went back inside.  After a few minutes I noticed a funny smell.  Kind of like new plastic.  Well this couldn't be good.  So, I texted my hubby again all panicked and told him about the funny smell and how I thought the house was burning down. He didn't respond.  The smell didn't go away. 
   Alarmed, I called our friend to come and make sure our place wasn't burning down.  That would not be good.  A few minutes later, JR showed up (house burning down=break time at work) and assessed the situation, saving the day (and our apartment).  When our friend arrived, they decided on which wire to disconnect inside the new doorbell box and then JR dismantled the button outside so we wouldn't have to worry about any more wires frying the inside of the house....


  1. That is crazy I am glad your house did not burn down :) we had the fire alarm go off in our building last month and every one on floor one freaked out it was scary.( this is Mia by the way lol)


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